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Why am I Being Targeted?
by Sharon R. Poet (Sharon Rose Poet)
(Updated Aug 5, 2014)

Its still a covert puzzle, which I am slowly figuring out.

    Prior to the targeting vamping into levels that began destroying my life, I was an independent woman who owned a nice country home, which I was raising two beautiful daughters in. I had perfect credit and ran my own business aside from doing social work, teaching workshops and doing my writings on the side.
    I had a passion for personal/spiritual growth, writing poetry and lyrics and using herbal remedies. I had/have no criminal record and have not engaged in criminal activities. I was certainly not perfect, but was not even close to the kind of person that my government, or anyone else, could even begin to honestly classify as a criminal or a threat to my country or any other human being. So I've seriously questioned the theory that this targeting is being done by only "the USA government." Most of it feels more like some sort of dark occult. . .one that has connections in (or perhaps control over) people in high governmental positions.

    Over-all, there truly is no valid reason for this to be happening to me. I don't deserve it no matter what anyone else thinks of me or my work - ( In fact, I believe that even criminals or terrorists do not deserve this inhumane cruelty.

    But, I guess there are minor things that those who target me may not like.

    Since giving birth to my children, I had been against children receiving mandatory vaccinations, simply because it does not feel right and my gut feeling was that it does more harm than good. I do not do flu shots and have been VERY healthy, aside from what the targeting has done to me. I guess those who are reported to be making millions of dollars on harmful vaccines, and those who are reported to be secretly putting microchips in children s vaccines, would not like my views.

    I have never been blindly patriotic. I'm not against this country I was born in, but I also empathize with its natives. I am glad to have been born here - in a free country. After a bit of traveling I feel more appreciative of the freedom I thought I had here. I love what the USA stands for, ( Liberty and Freedom and Justice for ALL ) but I do not agree with the arrogant "we are best" attitude. I believe that each country has its good points and its bad points. . .and that when they find the heart to stop comparing and fighting the whole world will become a better place. (I feel the same way about religions.) This may disturb puppets who may view it as being unpatriotic or those who expect us to follow their perceptions of their religions.

    I believe that the way to Light/Love/God is through our own Hearts and that healing/opening our hearts - releasing suppressed pain, automatically brings us closer to God, because God is Love. I guess there are many who would not agree with my spiritual wisdom.

    I have felt that finding out WHO is targeting me may be a key puzzle piece.

    There seems to be a "christian" group doing some of the targeting, because I get controlling messages, which try to push me toward their version of the bible and messages that appear to be judging me for not conforming to their views. I do not understand how any REAL christian can justify engaging in such intrusive cruelty, but God is the one they will have to answer to, in the end. It also feels like I am being targeted by some sort of satanic occult. Perhaps they are the ones who are wearing a “Christian” mask?
    The aims to discredit me appear to have a heavy focus in areas of morality and spirituality.
    One of my "Personal Journal" subscribers was connected to christian authors of a book, (which is now a best seller) and had shoved it in my face that their way was more “positive,” while I was being microwaved to death in 2006. This was done through emails to the email account which was later taken over and I was never able to retrieve it.
    In the summer of 2011, just before a severe vamp up in the targeting, I had pulled together my “Remnants of the Personal Journals” book and exposed those who copied parts of the original Personal Journals. I guess they do not want the public to know. But this does not explain previous targeting. . .or does it?

    Since the mid 1980s I have encouraged the use of herbs and natural healing methods instead of using pharmaceuticals. If the pharmaceutical companies are as heavily involved, as is reported, I guess they would not like my opinions.

    All of my writings, since the mid 1980s have been about healing the past and bringing more Love into our troubled world, through opening and following our Hearts. I guess evil forces can see this as a threat. And it DOES appear that the core of the targeting is being done by a dark/satanic group of people.

    The targeting has obviously vamped up at strategic times, which lets me know why the vamp ups happen. Like when I exposed the book, which copied some of my writings and when I wrote about the USA being covertly taken over, and when I started writing about the mind control technologies. But it all started before that and I wish I knew what the core reason was.

    I have felt that it may have been technological experimentation and that it vamped into other levels when I intuitively started picking up parts of it. And this is probably the truth, although there seems to be more to it than this. The targeting has been so cruel that it seems to be more than just experimentation.

    I have thought that the targeting may have followed me home from a facility I worked at in 1974-1975 and focused on my family in more subtle ways, for the purpose of technological experimentation. (I was from a family of 8 that was not very social and lived on a remote farm in a small New Hampshire town.)

    I have wondered if the targeting may have started through an estranged uncle who was a CIA or FBI agent. (Sorry I can not remember which one.)

    I have wondered if my mother was an MKULTRA victim since living in the Montreal Canada area and that the targeting followed her here from there.

    I have wondered if it was because I said something to offend someone, because I can be sort of opinionated and outspoken, at times.

    I have wondered if it was because of my spiritual focus in life, which they have aimed to destroy. And I have also wondered of its because of my mistakes and shortcomings. I have wondered if it was because of my intuitive abilities - my spiritual gifts.

    I have also wondered if its due to someone I was in a past life. But all this searching and wondering has merely added to my confusion. It does not matter who I am or what I have done.

    I am realizing that I may be being targeted and/or surveilled by different groups who have different intentions. Lucky me!

    Some seem to think that if I stop writing about the targeting it will end. But I do not believe this. I was being HEAVILY targeted LONG before I started writing about it. Its the targeting that has instigated this part of my writings and not the other way around. And I believe that the criminals who target me would continue hurting people even of I stopped writing. And we ALL just lay down and say nothing and let them rule, all of humanity is is serious trouble. Its the criminals who should be stopped - not those of us who are being hurt by them.

    In looking for the reasons why I am being targeted I have been looking at myself and my behaviors and my work and this is why clear answers do not come. I have done nothing to deserve this. No matter who I am, or what I have or have not done, the reason is not about me. And I did a LOT of searching, before coming to this conclusion.

    The REAL reason why I am being targeted is because of wounded people whose hearts are so blocked that they seem to thrive on instilling fear and pain and suffering upon others. . .and who seem to think that they have the right to play God, while judging, degrading and torturing us. . .and because they freely utilize technologies that are FAR too dangerous to not be imposed with the strictest of regulations by those who can care about our basic human right to private, peaceful, safe enjoyment of our own lives.

    I am also being targeted because of corruption in covert operations that utilize chemical warfare, psychological warfare, microwave weapons and laser weapons.

    My head is being pelted with painful levels of microwaves as I write this! I feel indescribably hurt that this has been happening for so long and is harming and/or destroying so many people. Please let your heart find the courage to stand up and help bring an end to these crimes. Please help return Freedom to America and the rest of humanity.

Please Let Courage Stand up Against These Crimes

Heart Over Mind for Humankind

Bound to Touch Hearts

    More will be coming in the Covert Puzzle book, which plans to include two of my other books as well as this one and a new one, all under one cover.

Return the Constitution

The freedom we boast of in this good old USA
Has already been secretly taken away.
Lets take it back - Lets Take it back
Return the Constitution to it's original track.

There are microwave weapons aimed at you and me
And people dieing for telling us, but we still don’t see.
There's an evil darkness aiming for control
And we just accept it, because we don't know
Eugenics didn't stop with the Hitler we degrade
But the Truth is being buried deep inside our graves.

The freedom we boast of in the good old USA
Has already been secretly taken away.
Lets take it back - lets take it back
Return the Constitution to it's original track.

World I See

What kind of world can my weary eyes See?
What kind of world must grow to be?
A world where Love is valued most,
And compassion is the steady host,
A world where kindness picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where we all weather the storms
And Love is birthed from all that gets torn,
A world where the void of greed and hate
Is filled with Love by hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.

More will be in a book if I get the chance to think and focus without interference.